
Fertilizers, conferences, publications, phosphates, nitrates, ammonia, saltpeter, statistics, prices, logistics, supplies, contracts-01Chem-Courier. Fertilizer pricing & market news (  WFM)

WFM provides subscribers with different kinds of statistical data as a part of weekly report:
WFM. Nitrogen
WFM. Phosphates&NPK
WFM. Ammonia
WFM. Sulphur
WFM. Eastern Europe, Baltic states & Balkans Fertilizers Weekly

Each of four publications has Operative Statistics with the information updated weekly and Accumulative one with the data renewed monthly.

Chem-Courier analytical agency would like to introduce you our new analytical bulletins:

provides a weekly report on prices, recent deals in the nitrogen fertilizer market as well as the latest information about production, exports and imports, start-ups and outages at the plants, government policies and regulations, trends in the feedstock market and their impact on fertilizer pricing, fluctuations in freight rates.

WFM. Nitrogen WFM. Phosphates&NPK
WFM. Nitrogen 1 WFM. Phosphates 1
WFM. Ammonia WFM. Sulphur
WFM. Ammonia 11 WFM. Sulphur 1
WFM. EEBB Fertilizers Weekly Catalogue Chem-Courier Agency
WFM. EEBB 1 Каталог ХК 2023 1

The structure of editions:

market brief
market highlights
price indicators
main trends
supply and demand by each product

Geographic coverage: Europe, Africa, America, Asia and CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan).
Frequency: every Thursday (52 issues/year).
Format: PDF-version.

Hope you will be with us.

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